And when they (the children of Israel -prophet Jacob- (peace be upon him)) advanced to meet Jâlût (Goliath) and his forces, they invoked:"Our Lord! Pour forth on us patience, and set firm our feet a .. (Read More)
Dua from the Qur'an #31
Dua No: 326
Dua and remembrance to be said at any time #16
Dua No: 350
O Allah! Protect me with Islam when standing, and protect me with Islam when sitting down, and protect me with Islam when reclining, and do not make an enemy or envier gloat over me.
O Allah, I as .. (Read More)
Dua and remembrance to be said at any time #30
Dua No: 0
O Allah, I seek refuge with You from being overcome with debts, overpowered by enemies.
.. (Read More)
Dua when visiting the sick #5
Dua No: 0
O Allah, cure your slave, so that he may defeat an enemy of Yours, or that he may walk to a prayer for Your sake! .. (Read More)
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