O Allah, I ask You for it’s goodness and I seek refuge with You from it’s evil. .. (Read More)
Dua when the wind blows or during a wind storm #2
Dua No: 152
O Allah, I ask You for it’s goodness, the good within it, and the good it was sent with,
And I seek refuge with You from it’s evil, the evil within it, and from the evil it was sent with. .. (Read More)
Dua upon hearing thunder
Dua No: 153
When Abdullah Ibn Az-Zubayr (RA) used to hear thunder he would stop talking and say:
“How far from imperfections He is, (The One) Whom the thunder declares His perfection with His praise, as do t .. (Read More)
Dua for the rain to stop
Dua No: 159
O Allah, let the rain fall around us and not upon us, O Allah, (let it fall) on the pastures, hills, valleys and the roots of trees. .. (Read More)