O Allah, I seek refuge with You from weakness, and laziness, cowardice and miserliness, old and infirm age, and the torment of the grave.
O Allah, give my soul piety and purify it, for indeed You .. (Read More)
Dua and remembrance to be said at any time #10
Dua No: 344
Dua and remembrance to be said at any time #18
Dua No: 352
O Allah, forgive my sin, my ignorance, my excessiveness in my affairs, and whatever You are better aware (of my affairs) than myself.
O Allah, grant me forgiveness are in me. .. (Read More)
Dua and remembrance to be said at any time #19
Dua No: 353
O Allah, I seek refuge in You from hearing evil, from seeing evil, from speaking evil, from the evils of my heart and the evils of my carnal desires.
.. (Read More)Dua when waking up at night #4
Dua No: 354
The prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to say the following before starting the Night Prayer:
Allah is the greatest! (10 times)
How far from imperfections Allah is! .. (Read More)
Dua for steadfastness and uprightness in the religion
Dua No: 0
Anas ibn Maalik (may Allah be pleased with him) said, that the messenger of Allah (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to profusely say:
"O turner of hearts, keep my heart fir .. (Read More)
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