"My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to work righteousness of which You will approve and make righteous for me my offspring. Indee .. (Read More)
Dua from the Qur'an #2
Dua No: 289
Dua from the Qur'an #3
Dua No: 290
"Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith and put not in our hearts resentment toward those who have believed. Our Lord, indeed You are full of kindness and Merciful." .. (Read More)
Dua from the Qur'an #4
Dua No: 291
"Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred. Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Our Lord, and burden us not with that which .. (Read More)
Dua from the Qur'an #5
Dua No: 292
"Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, You are the Bountiful Giver." .. (Read More)
Dua when in debt #3
Dua No: 293
"O Allah, Master (and owner) of the Dominion (or Kingdom), You give the dominion to whom You will, and You take the dominion from whom You will, and You exalt whom You will, and You humiliate whom You .. (Read More)
Dua when in debt #4
Dua No: 294
O Allah, Lord of the seven heavens and the exalted throne, our Lord and the Lord of all things, Splitter of the seed and the date stone, Revealer of the Tawrah, the Injeel and the Furqan, I seek refug .. (Read More)
Dua from the Qur'an #8
Dua No: 297
"Our Lord, indeed we have heard a caller calling to faith, , 'Believe in your Lord,' and we have believed. So forgive us our sins, Our Lord, and remove from us our misdeeds and and make us die the dea .. (Read More)
Dua from the Qur'an #12
Dua No: 301
"Indeed, adversity has seized me, and you are the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy"
Note: Dua made by Ayyub (Job) (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) during his afflict .. (Read More)
Dua from the Qur'an #13
Dua No: 302
"There is no deity worthy of worship but You, glory to be to You, Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers."
Note: Dua made by Yunus (Jonah) (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)when .. (Read More)
Dua from the Qur'an #14
Dua No: 303
"Our Lord! pour out patience on us, and cause us to die as Muslims." .. (Read More)
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