And (remember) when Ibrâhim (Abraham) and (his son) Ismâ'il (Ishmael)(peace be upon them) were raising the foundations of the House (the Ka'bah at Makkah), (saying),
“Our Lord! Accept (this se .. (Read More)
The dua of Ibrahim and Ismail while building the Kabah
Dua No: 253
Dua from the Qur'an #15
Dua No: 304
O my Lord! make me one who establishes Salah (regular Prayer), and also (raise such) among my offspring O our Lord! and accept my Prayer.
Note: This dua was made by Ibrahim (Abraham) (may the p .. (Read More)
Dua from the Qur'an #16
Dua No: 305
"Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents, and (all) the believers on the Day when the reckoning will be established."
Note: This dua was made by Ibrahim (Abraham) (may the peace and blessings of Al .. (Read More)
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