الْحَمْدُ لِلهِ حَمْدًا كَثِيرًا طَـيِّـبًا مُبَارَكًا فِيهِ ، غَيْرَ مَكْفِيٍّ وَلَا مُوَدَّعٍ وَلَا مُسْتَغْنًى عَنْهُ رَبُّنَا
“All praise is due to Allah, an abundant, good and blessed praise. He is The One who is sufficient, He feeds and is not fed. He is The One who is longed for, as well as that which is with Him, and He is The One who is needed, He is our Lord.”
Note: There are other views as regards to the understanding of this supplication, but the one mentioned here is the closest to the correct understanding, as per many of the recent and previous scholars.
Note: There are other views as regards to the understanding of this supplication, but the one mentioned here is the closest to the correct understanding, as per many of the recent and previous scholars.
alḥamdu lillaahi ḥamdan katheeran ṭayyiban mubaarakan feehi, ghayra makfiyyin wa laa muwadda‛in wa laa mustaghnanan ‛anhu rabbunaa