Dua and remembrance before sleeping #3
Dua No: 95
ءَامَنَ ٱلرَّسُولُ بِمَآ أُنزِلَ إِلَيْهِ مِن رَّبِّهِۦ وَٱلْمُؤْمِنُونَ كُلٌّ ءَامَنَ بِٱللهِ وَمَلَـٰٓئِكَـتِهِۦ وَكُـتُبِهِۦ وَرُسُلِهِۦ لَا نُفَرِّقُ بَيْنَ أَحَدٍ مِّن رُّسُلِهِۦ وَقَالُوا۟ سَمِعْنَا وَأَطَعْنَا غُفْرَانَكَ رَبَّـنَا وَإِلَيْكَ ٱلْمَصِيرُ (٢٨٥)

لَا يُكَلِّفُ ٱللهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا لَهَا مَا كَسَبَتْ وَعَلَيْهَا مَا ٱكْـتَسَبَتْ رَبَّـنَا لَا تُؤَاخِذْنَآ إِن نَّسِينَآ أَوْ أَخْطَأْنَا رَبَّـنَا وَلَا تَحْمِلْ عَلَيْنَآ إِصْرًا كَمَا حَمَلْتَهُ عَلَى ٱلَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِنَا رَبَّـنَا وَلَا تُحَمِّلْنَا مَا لَا طَاقَةَ لَنَا بِهِۦ وَٱعْفُ عَنَّا وَٱغْفِرْ لَنَا وَٱرْحَمْنَآ أَنْتَ مَوْلَـٰنَا فَٱنصُرْنَا عَلَى ٱلْقَوْمِ ٱلْكَـٰفِرِينَ (٢٨٦)
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, “Whoever recites the last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah at night, those two verses shall be sufficient for him (i.e. to protect him from all that can cause him harm).”

Surah Al-Baqarah: Ayah 285-286

The Messenger (Muhammad SAW) believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in Allâh, His Angels, His Books, and His Messengers. (They say), "We make no distinction between one another of His Messengers" and they say, "We hear, and we obey. (We seek) Your Forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the return (of all)." (285)

Allâh burdens not a person beyond his scope. He gets reward for that (good) which he has earned, and he is punished for that (evil) which he has earned. "Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error, our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which You did lay on those before us (Jews and Christians); our Lord! Put not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Pardon us and grant us Forgiveness. Have mercy on us. You are our Maulâ (Patron, Supporter and Protector, etc.) and give us victory over the disbelieving people." (286)

(285) aamanar-rasoolu bimaa unzila ilayhi min rabbihi wal-mu’minoon, kullun aamana billaahi wa malaaٓ’ikatihi wa kutubihi wa rusulih, laa nufarriqu bayna aḥadin min rusulih, wa qaaloo sami‛naa wa aṭa‛naa ghufraanaka rabbanaa wa ilaykal-maṣeer

(286) laa yukallif-ullaahu nafsan illaa wus‛ahaa, lahaa maa kasabat wa ‛alayhaa mak-tasabat, rabbanaa laa tu’aakhidhnaa in naseenaa aw akhṭa’naa rabbanaa wa laa taḥmil ‛alaynaa iṣran kamaa ḥamaltahu ‛alal-ladheena min qablinaa, rabbanaa wa laa tuḥammilnaa maa laa ṭaaqata lanaa bih, wa‛fu ‛annaa waghfir lanaa warḥamnaa, anta mawlaanaa fanṣurnaa ‛alal-qawmil-kaafireen
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